Se charge des réservations de billets d’avion et/ou hôtels pour les membres CCIFE, en Egypte et à l’étranger, notamment en France.
Contactez-Nous !We are excited to share highlights from the recent Egypt-France Business Forum, held in Paris on 30 September and 1 October, where the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Egypt (CCIFE) played a pivotal role. As one of the major French-Egyptian commercial and investment entities, CCIFE seized this opportunity to further promote economic relations between our two countries.
The forum was graced by the presence of key dignitaries, including Deputy Prime Minister for Human Development and Minister of Health and Population H.E. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, French Minister of Foreign Trade H.E. Sophie Primaux, H.E. Eng. Hassan El-Khatib, Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade, and Head of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones Mr. Hossam Heiba. Their participation underscored the commitment to fostering bilateral trade and investment, alongside a significant number of officials and representatives from the business communities of both nations.
CCIFE President Emad EL SONBATY, Treasurer Marawan EL SAMMAK, and Managing Director Karim WISSA were actively engaged at the forum, as were board members Halim ASSEM and Mohamed MAHLAB, emphasizing our dedication to facilitating trade, which remains a top priority for us. We believe that enhancing these ties will lead to mutual growth and prosperity.
Additionally, we are pleased to announce that several Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) were signed during the event. The CCIFE is making itself available to the relevant Egyptian ministries to help facilitate the effective implementation of these agreements, further solidifying our collaborative efforts.
We would like to thank the organizers of this event in Paris and Marseille, especially Mr. Romain GUIZARD, Country Director of Business France, and his deputy, Hana EL-GOHARY. We also extend our gratitude to Mr. Pascal FURTH, Chef of the economic service to the French Embassy in Cairo, for his support and participation, as well as to the French foreign trade advisors and the Egyptian-French Business Council.
We look forward to building on the momentum from this forum and continuing to strengthen the economic partnership between Egypt and France.
La CCI France-Egypte, réseau de prlusieurs entreprises,
vous accompagne dans votre projet d'implantation
sur le marché égyptien.
Paris1 EUR
Giza 54,53 EGP
Se charge des réservations de billets d’avion et/ou hôtels pour les membres CCIFE, en Egypte et à l’étranger, notamment en France.
Contactez-Nous !Les entreprises membres de la CCIFE peuvent faire une demande de Visa Schengen, affaires ou tourisme, la première destination devant être la France, donnant droit à plusieurs déplacements et séjours dans les pays membres de l’espace Schengen.
Contactez-Nous !Offre aux membres CCIFE une large gamme de rabais négociés en Egypte et en France.
Contactez-Nous !Foire annuelle de l’Emploi qui regroupe de prestigieuses compagnies , principalement implantées au Caire et à Alexandrie.
Contactez-Nous !Disponible pour les membres de la CCIFE : une liste de candidats potentiels, qualifiés dans tous les domaines d’activités.
Contactez-Nous !Informations de base et conseils sur les pratiques du marché; organisation de missions commerciales; listes de contacts ciblés et mises en contact pour des partenariats potentiels;domiciliation, logistique et assistance dans la création d’une société; facilités de participation à des Foires et Salons.
Contactez-Nous !Organisation d’évènements traitant de thèmes d ‹actualités qui répondent aux besoins de chaque secteur et permettent aux entreprises membres de soumettre leurs problématiques.
Contactez-Nous !Invite les entreprises souhaitant augmenter leur visibilité à s’associer aux divers évènements de la CCIFE
Contactez-Nous !The Egyptian stock market has been hitting record highs since August with its main index EGX30.
One of the most significant non-banking financial services industries in the nation is the insurance business. Due to its close ties to other economic sectors, it is one of the sectors that contributes to the GDP.
The pharmaceutical industry in Egypt is among the largest in the region, with the volume of sales of medicines during the first quarter of 2023 reaching LE 18.4 billion.
The past 20 years have seen Egypt’s retail market grow in leaps and bounds. Shopping malls have sprung up at every corner, not only in Cairo and Alexandria, but in the other governorates as well, housing local and international brands. Over the past two decades Egypt has also become a hub for international brands who were attracted to its market of 100+ million population.
Plans are in place to enable Egypt to live up to its potential in the tourism sector.
Egypt hosted in November the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference, the world's largest climate-centered global annual event
The year 2022 marks a very special occasion for the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Egypt (CCIFE) as it celebrates 30 years since its creation.
The CCIFE is marking this milestone with a number of celebrations in both Egypt and France.
In June, Egypt hosted the first edition of Africa Health ExCon, a conference and exhibition that is one of a kind on the continent. Nearly 2,000 delegates representing government health entities from Africa and the Middle East participated in the event, held under the theme ‘Your Gate to Innovation and Trade.’